Lawyer in NeuchâtelAgerba law firm

A legal service tailored to your needs

Based in Neuchâtel, the Agerba law firm is dedicated to an intensive practice of law, offering companies, private individuals and public authorities comprehensive support in varied and often complex proceedings before the main cantonal and federal courts, as well as with the relevant tax authorities. Our services provide an integrated response to all their legal needs, in French, English and Italian, for personalized assistance.

Navigate the legal waters of
with confidence.


Nous sommes à votre disposition pour répondre à vos appels du lundi au vendredi, de 8h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 17h30, et nous nous engageons à traiter vos emails avec diligence.

Remplissez simplement le formulaire ci-contre, et nous vous recontacterons rapidement.
+41 32 354 354 0
Etude Agerba
Rue de Flandres 5
Case Postale 2208
2000 Neuchâtel